Last updated: 02/09/2023

By engaging the services of Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd, its staff, subcontractors, agents or otherwise, the Customer (“You”) are Party to the following Agreement and bound to the following Terms of Service. Please take some time to review this agreement, as use us of our cleaning services constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement.

Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Any such changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.

The Parties hereby Agree:

  • The Customer shall agree the start time, price, duration and location of the Services with Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd and shall not alter the time, duration and location of the Service thereafter.

  • Upon accepting the time, duration and location of the Services “the Services” that Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd will undertake for the Customer; the Customer shall have scheduled services (“Scheduled Services”) with Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd and shall bound to the following terms (“Terms of Service”) exclusively and respectively.

General Terms:

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd will provide the agreed Services in accordance with its advertised literature (Services and Pricing).

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd will provide the agreed Services within the advertised Duration (Duration within Services and Pricing).

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd may have agreed Inclusions, Services, Duration and Pricing outside of the advertised literature with you, the Customer. Such Inclusions, Services, Duration and Pricing form part of the Scheduled Serivces.

  • The Customer shall pay the total cost “the Pricing” associated with their chosen Services. Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall be entitled to such compensation for providing the Services.

  • The Customer shall pay the total cost of their Services within 2 business days of the invoice being raised.

  • The Customer shall not be entitled to any discount or reduction to the Pricing associated with Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd’s Services.


  • Other than any responsibilities implied by law which cannot be excluded, the Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Coastal Clean, its affiliates, staff, employees, and agents from any claim or demand, including legal fees, whatsoever arising out of or referable to material on this website or to any linked third party material, our Services, or any third party Services, whether in contract, tort including negligence, statute or otherwise.

  • You expressly understand and agree that your use of the Services is at your sole risk and that this website and our services is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall not be held liable for withholding of a bond by any party. 

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall not be held liable for removing rubbish, waste or refuse at any Property.

Cancellation Policy:

  • If the Customer alters or terminates the Scheduled Service less than twenty-four hours from the agreed Duration of Services; the Customer shall be liable for the entire cost of the service and will be charged accordingly.

  • The Customer acknowledges this fee is proportionate to compensate Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd for loss of revenue at short notice.

  • If the Customer can provide a positive COVID-19 PCR result this charge can be waived at the sole discretion of Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd in accordance with government isolation requirements.

  • If Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd suspects any Customer is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and fails to provide a negative PCR result to Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd, Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd reserve the right to terminate the service immediately.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd reserve the right to charge a full fee for the scheduled service. It is your responsibility to ensure that our team can access the property, including providing keys or access codes as necessary. If you need to reschedule your cleaning appointment due to issues with access to the property, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a cancellation fee.

  • At its sole discretion, Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd reserve the right to reschedule a terminated Scheduled Service subject to availability.

  • If, at any time prior to or during your service, our Staff, subcontractors, agents or otherwise feel there is a hazard, risk, misdemeanour, safety concern or moral issue, at their discretion, they can terminate the agreed Services.

Customer Responsibilities:

  • The Customer will provide a safe working environment for Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd staff and/or its subcontractors, agents or otherwise to perform the Services.

  • The Customer will remove objects and clutter from surfaces to achieve the best results.

  • The Customer shall remove all pets from the Property (if necessary, isolate pets to the garage) for the Duration of the Services. The Customer warrants that animals and pets are their sole responsibility for the Duration of the Services. Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd accept no liability for animals or pets.

  • Leave access unobstructed to those areas of the Property requiring the Services.

  • Provide Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd access to all service utilities (including hot and cold water, electricity, and rubbish bins) as required to complete the Services.

  • Prior to the commencement of the Service, inform our staff, subcontractors, agents or otherwise of any hazards, slippery surfaces, risks or dangers you’re aware of at the Property.

  • The Customer will explicitly state that it requires a COVID-19 vaccinated cleaner to perform the Services at their property before scheduling services and becoming party to this agreement.

  • The Customer is liable to pay the fee for parking if our staff, contractors, agents or otherwise are unable to park within a reasonable distance of your Property. If no free parking is available, either on the street, on the property, or in your building, please advise Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd before engaging our services, so the cost of parking can be factored into the pricing.

  • The Customer shall provide, for sanitary and hygiene reasons, their own toilet brushes to clean waste and toilet areas at the Property.

Cleaning Services:

  • The Services will be for such cleaning Services as agreed between you and Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd at the time of booking.

  • The agreed Services Duration commences from the cleaner/s successful entry to your Property. If access cannot be granted within 15 minutes of their arrival, our cancellation policy will be applicable.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd reserves the right to modify the Duration of the Service upon inspecting the Property, if: a) the state of the property is not as described by the Customer, b) if there are variations to the condition or size of a described room specification by the Customer. A fee will apply in such circumstances.

  • In the majority of cases, all cleaning products and equipment required to service your property are provided by Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd and/or its Staff unless agreed otherwise.

  • Every effort shall be made by Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd to clean your property to the described standard within its advertised literature, or as otherwise agreed between the Parties. Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd makes no guarantee that your property will be cleaned to the standard the Customer desires after the first visit to the Property.

  • The Customer shall hold harmless Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd for any claim perceived or actual resulting in liability for losses or damages of any kind. This does not affect your statutory rights.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall only provide Services at a Property where the Duration of the Services is in excess of 2 Hours, or otherwise, at its sole discretion.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall not be held liable for removing rubbish, waste or refuse at the Property.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall not be held liable for the washing of any utensils, instruments, plates or cutlery.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall not be held liable for the laundry of any materials, cloths, clothes or bedlinen, or any damage or defect of such materials.

Requests for Services outside of the Scheduled Services:

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall not be held liable, nor shall conduct, any additional Services out-of-scope from the Agreed Scheduled Services, at the request of a client.

Accidents, Breakage, Damage & Theft:

  • The Customer is responsible for identifying, communicating and providing specialist products to Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd for the cleaning of any delicate surfaces such as stone, tiles, baths, carpets, floors or appliances. The Customer accepts it is their responsibility to provide appropriate cleaning products to use for such surfaces.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd uses commonly used and conventional cleaning products for residential and commercial cleaning. The Customer is responsible for communicating whether the surface requiring cleaning is delicate, scratched, immaterial, damaged or otherwise. In the event that any cleaning products used by Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd cause damage, perceived or actual, at the Customers Property, the Customer accepts entire liability and risk for directing Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd to clean such a surface.

  • The Customer shall inform Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd, its Staff, Contractors, Agents or otherwise of any incident where an accident, breakage, damage or theft occurs at the Customers property within 12 hours of completion of the Scheduled Services.

  • To the extent permitted by law, the Customer is not entitled to claim any loss for any incident if the incident is not reported to Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd or its Staff within 12 hours of completion of the Services.

  • In the case of a complaint, Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd requires to be notified within 12 hours after completion of the Services.

  • All fragile and highly breakable items must be secured at the Property or removed from the Property. Items excluded from such liability are: cash, items of sentimental value, art or antiques which are safely secured.

  • Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility for the loss or misplacement of keys. The Customer agrees to hold harmless Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd for the misplacement or destruction of any keys used to gain access to the Customers Property.

Payment Terms:

  • The Customer agrees to pay the invoice issued to them upon completion of Services, or within 2 days of the completion of the Services.

  • The Customer agrees to make such a payment by debit card or bank transfer.

  • The Customer shall not offer cash payments to Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd’s staff, subcontractors, agents or otherwise.

  • The Customer acknowledges that all prices quoted to them exclude GST. GST set at the prevailing rate will be added to the total invoice for the Services.

  • The Customer acknowledges that a 50% non-refundable deposit is required from the Customer when scheduling a Deep Clean service. A Deep Clean service will only be scheduled when a deposit is received by Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd.

  • The Customer agrees that, in the unlikely event of service cancellations or refunds, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not included in the refunded amount. The refund will be based on the original service cost before GST was applied.

  • Tax Invoices are available for all services carried out by Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd.


  • The prices quoted for Regular Services are for one Cleaner to attend your Property.

  • The Customer accepts that they shall be given advance notice of any price increases and when Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall implement them. Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd reserves the right to alter its prices at any time.

  • The Customer accepts that late payment fees are added to overdue invoices at the discretion of Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd. A late payment fee of $30 will be applied every 2 days to all outstanding invoices not paid within the specified Payment Term period. Recovery Fees are also chargeable for additional time spent by Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd in chasing payment(s) for its Services.

Non-engagement and non-compete: 

  • The Customer acknowledges and agrees Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd invests significant resources in recruiting, kitting and training its staff, agents, contractors and otherwise (“Cleaners”). Unless Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd gives explicit written permission, the Customer must not, directly or indirectly, engage, employ or contract any Cleaner to provide Services to the Customer or any associate of the Customer for any period during which Services are provided by Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd or for a period within 12 months after the conclusion of the provision of the last Service (“the Restraint Period”).

  • The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd may suffer loss and damage, including, without limitation consequential loss, as a result of a breach of this clause by the Customer.

  • Upon discovery of a breach of this clause, the Customer agrees that Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd shall charge a Placement Fee (“the Placement Fee”) upon discovery that the Customer materially seeks to engage its agents, staff, contractors or otherwise to provide any service to the Customer.

  • The Placement Fee shall be: (in the case of a Residential Service) $4,200.00 or ($350 * 12 months) and (in the case of a Commercial Service) $8,400.00 or ($350 * 24 months) which shall become immediately payable and shall be invoiced to the Customer exclusive of GST.

  • The Customer acknowledges and agrees not to engage Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd when the Customer is a direct Competing Organisation or has a tertiary interest in a Competing Organisation to Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd. The Customer acknowledges any attempt to do so represents a material attempt to learn Coastal Cleaning Pty Ltd’s know-how, trade secrets, knowledge and intellectual property and shall be treated accordingly.